The City of Molina de Segura has received support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to co-finance activities eGovernment and citizens network, for a total amount of 52,210.46 euros.
On Tuesday December 22 was published in the Official Gazette No. 305 Resolution of the General Directorate for the Coordination of skills with the autonomous communities and local entities for which assistance from the European Regional Development Fund are granted to co-finance actions electronics and citizens in network administration, during the intervention period 2007-2013.
Last September, the City Council presented molinense this aid ERDF 2 technological projects that have allowed the modernization of public services offered to citizens, streamline and simplify the procedures and the possibility of them over the Internet.
The co-financed projects have been:
Hall adaptation to Law 11/2007 of 22 June, electronic access of citizens to public services.
For this project you have received aid totaling 10,204.07 euros.
Smart Security.
Project that has helped modernize the facilities and services offered by the local police of the municipality.
For this project you have received aid totaling 42,006.39 euros.
The City of Molina de Segura is engaged in the development of its Strategic Plan with the skyline since 2020. This plan is based on the model that the European Union has defined as Strategy for Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development (EDUSI).
This strategy will be necessary for the municipality to access EU funds available to the municipalities.
Its main objective is to improve the quality of life in the city in an integrated manner, ie, including aspects ranging from social cohesion and the fight against poverty, to the promotion of low-carbon economy, environmental sustainability and optimizing the use of resources.
All under the model already defined smart city Smart Molina.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura