XXV ANNIVERSARY CONCERT OF CORAL HIMS MOLA, run by the Municipal Polyphonic Choir Hims Mola and the Group of brass and percussion of the Municipal Band will take place on Friday, December 18, at 21.00, at the Villa Theatre Molina (in Chorrico Avenue, No. 10).
The price of admission is 6 euros, which will go to Caritas.
The concert program revolves around several works DeJohn Milford Rutter, Pilar Fernandez Gallardo dirigidaspor playing piano and Joshua Garcia:
1. The Lord bless you and keep you
2. I Will Sing With The Spirit
3. Loving shepherd of thy sheep
4. Love Came Down at Christmas
5. Christmas Lullaby
6. Star Carol
Then the work GLORIApara yGrupo Metals Choir (which will work Orpheus Choir) will perform under the direction of Manuel Serrano Arnaldos.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura