Councillor of Finance and Spokesperson of the Local Government of the City of Molina de Segura, Sonia Carrillo Marble, reported, on Friday December 11, of the resolutions adopted at the last meeting of the Board of Local Government held Thursday December 10.
Is the approval of the award of the refurbishment of access to housing in rural villages, amounting to 226,669.30 euros, and the awarding of contracts to improve sidewalks, amounting to 171,021.29 euros, both actions included in the process of participatory budgeting.
It has approved the grant of two licenses for major works.
Approval of list of invoices for an amount of 1,584,395.77 euros.
Award of refurbishment of access to housing in rural villages, amounting to 226,669.30 euros, the company JT Public Works and Services, in the participatory budgeting process.
Contract awarded for improvement of sidewalks, amounting to 171,021.29 euros, the company Ayllonza within the participatory budgeting process.
Award travel services by 2016, amounting to 18,029.00 euros, the company Aldaba tourism and cultural services.
Award of conservation actions and maintenance of shelters, amounting to 34,354 euros, the company JS Urban Furniture and Signs SL, in the participatory budgeting process.
Starting tender dossier Awareness Program and Environmental Education, valued at 15,000 euros, in the process of participatory budgeting.
Home service contract dossier Early Warning Center, valued at 89,363 euros.
Home record procurement of works replacement services in Street Mar Tirreno in the hamlet of La Ribera Street and Manuel Lopez Izquierdo in La Tranche, valued at 28,780.19 euros.
Proposal to award works in industrial estates, amounting to 109,820 euros, the German company Construcciones Ruiz.
Proposal for the award of repair and maintenance of playgrounds, for an amount of 82,320.49 euros, the company Construcciones URDECOM, in the participatory budgeting process.
Proposal to award forklift Enclave Museum of the Wall, amounting to 21,780 euros, Jose Alapont Bonet.
Family Respite Service Award, amounting to 74,358 euros, the company Mediterranean Comprehensive Emergency Management.
Award of public lighting, amounting to 176,693.43 euros, the company Mancomur, in the participatory budgeting process.
Award pavement in ceramics, to the Joint Employment and Training Program, amounting to 45,001.11 euros, the company Intagua.
Approval of the collaboration agreement between the City of Molina de Segura and Sports Association of Molina de Segura, which includes a grant of 1,500 euros for this association.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura