The historical series of territorialized spending in Molina de Segura is a step backwards for the period 2011-2016, rising from 16th place to the current 33, and a per capita expenditure of € 271.52 to € 124.25 (-54%).
Esther Clavero, spokesman for the Municipal Socialist Group of Molina de Segura, claims that the draft budget that the regional government has sent to the Regional Assembly confirms the "abuse" of the city without the mayor or local PP protest to this injustice .
"Molina de Segura has suffered the biggest difference in budget reduction for the period 2011-2016 for all the municipalities of the Region of Murcia"
In 2011, Molina de Segura received from the regional budgets 17.4 million euros (according to the annex of regionalised spending), while in 2016 the accounts presented by the regional government only allocated to the municipality 8.5 million euros, which is less than half, having disappeared many games.
The Socialist spokesman molinense complaint 2016 budgets do not include investments necessary and vital for the city.
"Discrimination is a current and historical question being the 4th municipality in the region in terms of population, we occupied 33 of 45 in 2016 per capita spending. € 124.25, when the regional average is 293.12 €.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura