In the regular plenary session of November 30 the Municipal Socialist Group defended three proposals and got the unanimous support of the molinense Corporation.
Both the motion against Gender Violence as those concerning the improvement of the economic situation of secondary schools and calling for a study to verify that the schools in the municipality have no asbestos in its construction came out ahead.
Martinez: "Only through education we can to prevent and combat the effects of this scourge every day are male minors."
Fuensanta Martinez, socialist mayor, thanked the votes of all political groups to socialist motion against gender violence where large social and political pact to tackle the scourge of sexist abuse was requested.
He stressed "the importance of mainstreaming a gender perspective transversally to the budget as a basis to bet on equality and fight against gender violence from the administration."
Martinez also stressed on the importance of prevention, "only through education can prevent and fight so that the effects of this scourge every day are male minors."
Study for detection of asbestos and its phase-out in schools.
"The reports of the European Union on the health effects of asbestos are devastating and it is therefore urgent that a study to detect which education centers there is still this component is made, especially considering that in exposure repairs can be maximum "explained Martinez, who continued," if it is true that today we talk about education centers because it is a more sensitive population, this plan should be extended to all public schools gradually ".
The Autonomous Community must settle the debt with the Secondary
"We can not allow failure finance institutions being constantly. We know of cases in our town in which not only do not meet the deadlines for the quarterly financial contribution, but also has generated a debt of 20% the beginning of 2016. It is an untenable situation, "asserts Martinez, who also added that" there is a total lack of foresight in construction. In many cases has not opted for renewable energy, but for other more expensive and now you can not meet the cost. Not to sell smoke, the PP has accustomed us to this, resources must be ensured to sustain what is promised. "
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura