La Banda del IES Miguel Hernandez de Bigastro (Alicante) provide, for the fifth consecutive year, an educational concert on the occasion of the celebration of the feast of St. Cecilia, the patron saint of music, on Friday, December 4, in the CEIP Master Francisco Martinez Bernal (on Calle José Antonio Vidal Serrano, No. 80, of Molina de Segura).
This activity is prepared by the entire school community and proposed the two centers funded by the AMPA and molinense school, which, since its inception, is committed to the dissemination of educational-recreational activities at this center.
The band from Alicante center was created by the music teacher Manuel Beltran Garcia in 2004 and has since been enriched by the activity of young musicians bigastrense town.
At present, training is composed of 31 students enrolled from 1st to 2nd ESO High School, which means that more than 10% of school pupils play an instrument.
From the beginning, the band has received support from around the cloister of IES Miguel Hernandez and his creation, development and evolution is a work which involved almost all teaching departments of the institute, who in one way or another, collaborate actively in this project more than ten years.
In addition, this year the band will have the collaboration of alumni center, invited by the music teacher, have volunteered to play at the concert.
This is the fifth year that offer an educational concert for children ages comprising between 3 and 11 years in the public school molinense.
The activity is coordinated by music teachers from IES, Manuel Beltran Garcia (director) and Israel Escriva Magraner (coordinator).
By actively participating school molinense Benito Molina (music teacher) and Raquel Mendez (English teacher).
Although they are the coordinators of the concert, the activity has the unanimous support of the cloisters of both public institutions, led by its directors, John Paul Perales Gonzalez (IES Miguel Hernandez) and Fulgencio Monreal Monreal (CEIP Master Francisco Martinez Bernal).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura