Councillor of Finance and Spokesperson of the Local Government of the City of Molina de Segura, Sonia Carrillo Marble, reported, on Wednesday November 18, of the resolutions adopted at the last meeting of the Board of Local Government held Monday November 16.
Is the approval of the award of several projects in the participatory budgeting process, as the lighting, amounting to 176,693.43 euros, and the works of conditioning of hits on homes in rural villages, amounting to 226 669 30 euros.
It has approved the granting of 1 license for major works.
Approval of two bills relationships: one for an amount of 9024.56 euros;
and the other for an amount of 1,711,655.92 euros.
Approval of six complaints of contracts, which expire on 31 December: provision of food, cleaning products for nurseries, viewing system service traffic, respite care service, social service work integration of people with disabilities and service Telecare.
Approval of beginning of report of hiring of tourism services by 2016, valued at EUR 21,574.30.
Approval of the installation of lighting award, amounting to 176,693.43 euros, the company MANCOMUR, in the participatory budgeting process.
Approval of the allocation of works of conditioning of hits on homes in rural villages, amounting to 226,669.30 euros, the company JTOBRAS PUBLIC (participatory budget process).
Approval of the awarding of contracts fixing sidewalks, amounting to 171,021.29 euros, the company AYLLONZA (participatory budgeting process).
Approval of the allocation of settlement pavement works included in the Joint Employment and Training Project for an amount of 45,001.11 euros, the company Intagua.
Approval of adherence to open data portal of the Region of Murcia to comply with the rules on the reuse of public sector information.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura