1st Day of Pediatrics City Molina, organized by the Hospital de Molina and the local council, through the Department of Public Health, in collaboration with the Nestle Nutrition Institute, it takes place in Molina de Segura on Saturday November 14 , from 09.30 to 14.00 pm in the Centro Las Balsas (Calle Cartagena, next to Plaza of Griffins).
The event was presented at a press conference on Wednesday 11 November, by the Councillor for Public Health, Lola Vicente Quiles, the manager of the Hospital de Molina, Pedro Hernandez Jimenez Director and Head of Pediatric Department of Hospital de Molina and President of the Organizing Committee of the conference, Dr. Pius Dólera Almaida.
The conference program includes the following activities:
09.30 h .: Reception and accreditation.
10.00 h .: inauguration.
10.15 h .: speech pathologies more frequent in the pediatric foot, by Dr. Juan Pedro Garcia Cloths, Specialist in Child Orthopedics, Foot and Ankle University Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca Hospital and Molina.
Lecture 12.00 h .: Update on Pediatric Dermatology.
Child ages and skin diseases, by Dr. Jose Manuel Azana Defez, Dermatologist Albacete General Hospital and member of the Spanish Group for Pediatric Dermatology and the International Society for Pediatric Dermatology.
13.00 h .: Food presentation Challenges of Prematurity, by Dr. Manuel Cidrás Pidre, Head of the Neonatal Unit of the University Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca.
Enrollment in the conference is free and can be done in 610 telephone numbers 10 39 17 and 609 62 14 19.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura