The agreement between the Autonomous Community of Murcia, through the Ministry of the Presidency, and the City of Molina de Segura, whereby the commitment to citizen participation between both administrations are established, took place Friday November 6, in the city of Molina de Segura, coinciding with the visit to the municipality of the Minister of the Presidency of the Region of Murcia, María Dolores Arce Pagan.
The signing was also attended by the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras Linares.
The agreement aims to establish a commitment to citizen participation between the Presidential and the City of Molina de Segura, in order to carry out joint activities to promote citizen participation in public life and to implement complementary actions on transparency, agreeing to adopt measures to implement the principle of partnership between public administrations, as pillars of NPM under the Open Government.
With the signing of this agreement, Molina de Segura joins the Regional Network of Municipalities for Citizen Participation.
The Minister of Presidency, Maria Dolores Pagan, stressed that the City of Molina de Segura is a "reference" on Open Government, since in recent years "has implemented pioneering public policies in this area" as the Status of Participation Citizen (EPC) and its further development in the form of regulation as well as so-called 'participatory budgeting'.
The City of Molina de Segura is committed:
- To promote a local regulatory framework, or update, if necessary, the existing rules in order to promote an active and effective citizen participation in public policies of their territory.
- To facilitate public participation processes before the development of measures and public performances of special emphasis and concern among the population of the municipality.
- To promote citizen participation instruments for the effective participation of citizens in decision-making processes of government.
- To establish, in the absence of an express jurisdictional scope in terms of citizen participation, and designate one focal point within the City Council in the matter.
- To promote a Code of Good Governance of the elected City Council.
- To encourage the development of service charters for each area of ​​the municipal corporation with annual concrete commitments and performance indicators.
- To encourage collaboration between governments and Open Data.
For its part, the Autonomous Community of Murcia, through the Ministry of Presidency, agrees:
- To support and advise, through the technical staff of the General Directorate of Citizen Participation, European Union External Action attached to this Ministry, in the implementation and development of municipal regulations from the commitments contained in this agreement.
- To provide a space in the Transparency Portal Community with links to their web spaces of municipal transparency, where appropriate.
- To provide computer support for publishing databases Hall open and reusable formatting in a single regional open data portal.
- To advise to the implementation of the mechanisms requiring the exercise of the right of access to public information contained in the legislation on transparency, directly affecting local government.
- To enable a section on the platform of citizen participation CARM to document and manage participatory processes that are promoted from the municipalities.
- To promote training activities on transparency, participation and good governance, aimed at managers and technicians of municipalities, subject to the development of other activities to disseminate to the public culture of citizen participation and transparency.
- To promote periodic meetings to exchange good practices on public participation.
Previously, in the Hall of Government, it was held a working meeting, which were also the Mayor and the Minister, attended by the Director General of Local Government, Diego Manuel Pardo Dominguez, the Director General of Public Safety and Emergency Manuel Duran Duran, the Director General of Citizen Participation, European Union External Action Pleguezuelo Manuel Alonso, the Second Deputy Mayor, Sonia Carrillo Marble, Councillor for Citizen Participation, Lola Vicente Quiles, Councillor Open Government, ICT and Modernization administrative, Reme López Paredes, and the Councillor for Public Safety, Miguel Angel Rodriguez Torres.
The meeting has addressed the next call for European aid, aimed at municipalities, for a total amount of 27 million euros for the development of Strategies for Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development.
The novelty of European aid is, to define the projects, municipalities will have to make public participation processes and involve local actors in the preparation and monitoring of these strategies to submit to the European Commission.
"The City of Molina de Segura is already working on this point through web-enabled to the effect," he stated the minister, who recalled that the Consistory has molinense available Unit European funding opportunities, providing accompaniment throughout the process of developing the project under European funding.
Finally, the Minister and the Mayor, accompanied by the management team of the Ministry of Presidency, have made a visit to the Centro Las Balsas, where they held a meeting with the President of the Federation of Neighborhood Interbarrios, Antonio Saez, and the President of the Neighborhood Board Zone 2, Jose Antonio Cano.
The minister stressed that these representatives "are an example of dialogue between citizens, the municipal government and the political parties that make up the Municipal Corporation", and revealed their contributions in the participatory process that was held on the Rules of Participation citizen.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura