Technical Area Electronic Administration disclosed the actions that are driving in the city, within the DELEY Transparency and Good Governance conference, organized by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces in Madrid
Molina de Segura has been invited by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) to present their experience at the conference that are being developed on 22 and 23 October in Madrid, entitled Law of Transparency and Good Governance.
Recall that Molina de Segura has been chosen by the State Portal Pilot Municipality for Local Government Transparency and Pilot Municipality Open Data portal of the Autonomous Community.
The head of the Department of Electronic Administration, Francis Joseph Barnes, accompanied by the Councillor for Open Government and eGovernment, Reme López Paredes, opens on Friday October 23, the closing day with talk big municipalities: Town Hall Experience Molina de Segura.
Aimed at functional managers Local Transparency Portal, municipal secretaries and technicians involved in the development of transparency, the objectives of this conference are:
Review the obligations established by Law 19/2013 on Transparency, Access to Information and Good Governance to local authorities and other local initiatives.
Review the objectives of the Framework Agreement for cooperation between MINHAP and FEMP to promote and facilitate the development of this Act, the characteristics and uses of the tools made available to the local entity.
Answer questions and identify opportunities to facilitate the implementation and development of local portals transparency.
So, the content addressed during these days has been aimed to understand the functioning of the Technology Transfer Center of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration;
Law 19/2013 and the type of Transparency FEMP Ordinance;
features and utilities Local Transparency Portal, experience and good practices;
and legal and administrative guidelines.
Councillor for Reme López, the participation of the City of Molina de Segura in these days "has been an acknowledgment by the FEMP the commitment by our mayor to achieve transparent and accessible to the citizens of the city administration."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura