Councillor of Finance and Spokesperson of the Local Government of the City of Molina de Segura, Sonia Carrillo Marble, reported, on Thursday 22 October, of the resolutions adopted at the last meeting of the Board of Local Government held Tuesday October 20, and the Extraordinary Meeting of Local Government held on Wednesday October 21.
At the regular Board emphasizes the award of the refurbishment of 11 soccer field Polideportivo El Romeral, amounting to 307,500 euros, as well as approval of the proposed award of the works of improvement in its path Greenway by the municipality.
It has approved a total of 4 licenses for major works.
Approval of list of invoices.
Final award of the refurbishment of 11 soccer field Polideportivo El Romeral, amounting to 307,500 euros, the company PROBELO.
Deadline of two months.
Proposal for award of the work to be performed on the greenway as it passes through the town, amounting de40.445 euros, the company Construcciones y Excavaciones Sanchez Lopez.
Home record refurbishment of the N-301, valued at 185,000 euros.
Adoption of the draft general collector works to clean up the Avenida de la Industria (section between Manzano and Eroski Street Mall).
It was agreed to make available to the Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment of the Region of Murcia the land needed for the execution of the work.
The spokesman also reported that on Wednesday, October 21 has held a Special Local Government, with a single point on the agenda: accepting grant from the Autonomous Region of Murcia, for an amount of 14,000 euros , to clean up and bring markets (signaling, asphalt ...).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura