The company Emilia Yagüe Productions (Madrid) presents the comedy springs, based on texts by La Celestina and starring Charo Lopez, Saturday October 24, at 21.00, in the Villa de Molina Theatre (in artwork Chorrico Avenue , No. 10).
The ticket price is 12 euros.
This show is funded by the state program Plataea.
Waterholes meets the most memorable passages of the immortal work of Fernando de Rojas.
A monologue about lost time and enjoyed, pleasure and sex as a weapon, as a gift of beauty and conviction, the joy of living despite everything.
Celestina carries in his eyes the price of the lost beauty, his teeth independence, intelligence hidden.
Celestina is the female power behind the scenes, and also the victim of its own cleverness.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura