According denounced the Municipal Socialist Group spokesman in the city of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero, users of the office of the Alcayna dependent Health Center A. Garcia, have suffered in recent months serious harm in health care the lack of personal basically means, which has led to the present for discussion at the next regular plenary session in October a motion that the City of Molina de Segura urge the regional government to take urgent measures to solve the problems PSOE health care users who are suffering.
Socialist Councillor, Santi Martínez, said that "patients of this office exceed the maximum waiting times for treatment in consultation due to an overload of units and lack of personal means. Acts all that hinder the smooth running of the administration from the center"
Esther Clavero has demanded greater sensitivity to the daily problems faced by a large part of the residents of Molina in his relationship with the health administration, stating that what is happening today in The Alcayna is a direct result of the wrong policy of the People's Party constant budget cuts.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura