Councillor of Finance and Spokesperson of the Local Government of the City of Molina de Segura, Sonia Carrillo Marble, reported, on Wednesday October 7, the resolutions adopted at the last meeting of the Board of Local Government held Tuesday October 6th.
It stresses the proposal for placing the supply and installation of a clean mini-point and point of local information within the participatory budgeting process and the proposed allocation of conservation actions of rural roads.
It has approved a total of 6 licenses for major works.
Approval of list of invoices for a total amount of 182,264.26 euros.
Proposal for placing the supply and installation of mini recycling center and neighborhood point of information, amounting to 216,688.49 euros, the company Conduit Workshops and Juanito, in the participatory budgeting process.
Proposal for allocation of conservation actions of rural roads, for an amount of 45,196.12 euros, the company Perez Lopez Flooring and Irrigation.
Awarding of the construction of sidewalks and conditioning access to Parque Los Juncos, for an amount of 27,976.64 euros, the company Josefa Anton Lambert, in the participatory budgeting process.
Award of the auxiliary sealing performance of the Joint Project of Employment and Training, amounting to 18,679.98 euros, the company JT Public Works.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura