The Local Government of the City of Molina de Segura, met on Wednesday 30 September, has approved the filing of an administrative appeal before the High Court against the decision of declaration of special effects to deliver postal environment ordinary in the hamlet of Los Valientes, approved by the Board of Regulatory Oversight of the National Commission of Markets and Competition last day July 23, 2015.
As reported by the Speaker of the Local Government, Sonia Carrillo Marble, "the resolution submitted last summer to the City indicated that the delivery of ordinary mail items must be made by focused boxes pluridomiciliarios, every working day, and, at least five days a week. As both residents of this hamlet as the City Council are not in accordance with this new delivery system, the Local Government has agreed to file an administrative appeal based on defects form and substance of the resolution of the CNMC. "
The July 21, 2014 I was received at the Registry of the City of Molina de Segura communication of June 27 of that year, the Deputy Director of the Postal Sector of the Department of Transport and Postal Sector CNMC, by giving the start of file transfer, at the request of Correos SA, for consideration as special for the purposes of distribution of ordinary mail items as urbanization called Los Valientes, allowing a period of fifteen days to make submissions setting.
Since that period had been completed when communication was received at City Hall, it considered that such an act produced helplessness and, on August 4, 2014, the City filed an administrative appeal against it.
This resource has not been answered by the CNMC, and the next thing was the City Council on this issue took place last summer, with the resolution of the CNMC has now decided to use the molinense Hall.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura