As the world marks 100 days since the beginning of the current municipal office, the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras Linares, has made positive assessment of the steps taken so far, since "we have given continuity to the projects that were started in the previous mandate, and they have not stopped, and have implemented many others that are the result of the commitment made with the neighbors in the electoral campaign. "
The mayor said that "we live new times, in which we must change the chip. We are in a time when we have to try to agree all groups. In fact, the Board of Spokesmen meets more frequently than before. And I think we're on the right track. We must understand that the government team does not develop its work in the same circumstances that had in previous mandates, and we do not have an absolute majority, but we have an obligation to govern with the 9 councilors People who make up the Group and, therefore, continue to execute the powers that the municipal government, the government that gave us the polls on 25 May. "
Besides issues "of the day, passing by each Local Government," the Mayor highlighted other projects that have been launched, such as "strengthening citizen participation and the process of participatory budgeting. From the government team we are convinced that the neighbors to decide on matters of interest of the municipality and, therefore, have been given a voice to do it. You have started the records of many of the works They have decided to participate in this process. In fact, some have been completed, others are under implementation and others award ".
In this line, and as a personal commitment of the Mayor, is working on "the project of opening schools after school hours, where we want to involve all existing organizations in neighborhoods and for that we provide the necessary resources to its implementation. Although we have encountered serious difficulties because the competent authority is not the council, we finally found the solution and have reached agreements with the representatives of the Federation Interbarrios to bring the Municipal School Board proposal , a proposal which we will send to schools and associations allowing management to own citizenship centers in that time, but always respecting the primary purpose of schools, which is public education. We will go putting up depending on the local demand itself. "
Public transport is another major commitments Eduardo Contreras.
"We are working to improve public transport not only long distance, but also the city, so that we have good communications between Molina de Segura, the districts, Murcia and El Palmar. I think that all the work we are undertaking will have before or after his reward. The negotiations are going well. "
In the field of information and communications technology (ICT), Molina de Segura is one of the few towns that can boast of being one smartcity.
"In these 100 days, Molina de Segura has been chosen as a pilot city of the State Portal Transparency Portal and Open Data Interior Ministry and the Autonomous Region. Also, is conducting the Urban Development Strategy Integral sustainable, open to all groups for Horizon 2020, so that we can avail ourselves European funding "strategy, explains the Mayor.
In the area of ​​Sports, Eduardo Contreras stressed "the refurbishment of the football field 11 and the steady improvement in the athletics track of the Plideportivo El Romeral, actions that have already been awarded and that will be implemented once molinenses is consensúen with clubs not to interfere in their competitions, so these works are expected to begin and end in December. "
For its part, the School Workshop continues its important work in the municipality, which is joined by "management program Youth Guarantee, which will allow us to hire 24 young people. The efforts already made and we need confirmation SEF, we expect to reach us by November or December, "says the Mayor.
Finally, Eduardo Contreras wanted a performance review that "even a small thing, is one that comes. You have solved the problems he had with wifi Classroom Garden and demanded so much youth in the municipality. I dare say it will function well since they have taken definitive measures ".
To complete the balance, the mayor says, "So, are met 100 days in office 100 days of intense work for Molina de Segura remains a reference not only regionally, but also nationally. Much work remains Many future to be achieved, but challenges in the coming months may see how this government keeps its word and reaches each of the commitments made with the neighbors in the last election date ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura