The group proposed by the Open Forum of the city, meets for the first time in the morning today and establishes its lines of work and the actions to be undertaken.
To facilitate the work of the Commission office will be created in the Consistory.
Starts, thus a participatory process with citizens who want to get involved, to finally determine the total number of refugees who can hold the town, once known residential capacity, with all complementary resources.
Today, on September 9, at 09:00, the first meeting of this working group has taken place, which have established the guidelines to be followed by the Commission and distributed the work among members component.
The Working Committee is composed of representatives of the different municipal groups of the Consistory, as well as the Open Forum, citizen representatives and municipal technicians.
For the proper functioning of this initiative, the Commission will work with an office in the city of Molina de Segura, located on the ground floor, in Citizen Participation, open from 18:00 to 20:00 hours, contact phone 968 38 86 25 email
The starting point is the group:
Members and determine, based on the following tasks, the distribution thereof.
Contact municipalities that already launched a similar initiative to meet the planned actions, problems and resources that have been and are planning to launch.
Determine the possible contribution of the City in the project:
Types of guarantees to those who provide spaces (rooms or apartments) economies for payment of rent and other resources.
Availability of own spaces for initial reception as lounges, sports or other physical resources.
Study and development of criteria for identifying refugees, registration identification and management of the supply of places at national or international authorities.
Contact with banks and entities with housing, through rent or borrow.
Dissemination of the project among the population, building the organizational structure of all the ammunition available, in addition to broadcasting the general population.
Technical support to the volunteers who are involved in the activity.
Create a service mounted volunteers and local technical support for the residents and institutions Availability: rooms with size and equipment-capacity, financial resources, availability of translators personal, psychological support to meet foreseeable traumatic situations, in order to define the limits and characteristic of supply to refugees
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura