The Department of Social Welfare and Education conducted the initiative of the Caixa Social Work, which develops the service of urban neighborhoods, aimed at children from 4-16 years in economic situation of poverty and social vulnerability
The City of Molina de Segura, through the Department of Social Welfare and Education, in collaboration with the CEPAIM entity holds the Caixa Proinfancia Program, an initiative of the Obra Social Caixa developing urban neighborhoods service.
This program is aimed at children from 4-16 years in economic situation of poverty and social vulnerability in order to promote and support their development in an integrated way, promoting policies to improve equity, social cohesion and equal opportunities for children and their families.
Children participating access it according to social action plan signed with each family.
It takes place in the CEIP Our Lady of Consolation of Molina de Segura during the month of July, Monday to Friday, from 09.00 to 14.30, with a capacity of 100 students.
Match psychomotor activities and sports, artistic, recreational and social, certain environmental and cognitive content, rendered in a comprehensive and complementary offer.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura