The Youth Council of the City of Molina de Segura, through the Youth Space Basement, has launched a range of activities for July 2015, aimed at young people between 13 and 30 years.
The activities are free and registration can be performed in the same Youth Space in the afternoon, and in the Youth Council (Building The Catch) morning.
The Basement is a free public municipal facility of use of young people in general and youth associations aimed at promoting participation.
In it, besides the activity rooms, classroom free internet access and a point of information, there is a meeting with board games, simulation, consoles and ongoing activities.
The center is located in the Integral Center Ceramics (Avenida de Madrid, No. 68) and is open from 18.00 to 21.00.
Scheduled activities include:
Tuesday, June 30
- Cooking: Cookies coconut and chocolate.
- Network games.
- From 18.00 to 21.00 h.
Thursday, July 2
- Workshop weapons to play Jagger.
From 18.30 to 20.00 h.
Friday 3
- Championships games.
From 18.30 to 20.30.
Monday 6
- Street Dance Workshop.
19.00 to 20.00 h.
Tuesday 7
- Making Cocktails with fruits.
- Network games.
- From 18.00 to 21.00 h.
Wednesday, 8
- Horror film with popcorn (projection).
From 18.30 to 20.30.
Thursday 9
- Workshop Figures pixelated.
From 18.30 to 20.00 h.
Friday 10
- Basketball Championships triple and 3x3.
From 18.30 to 20.30.
Monday 13
- Street Dance Workshop.
19.00 to 20.00 h.
Tuesday 14
- Cooking: biscuits and chocolate cake.
- Network games.
- From 18.00 to 21.00 h.
Wednesday 15
- Horror film with popcorn (projection).
From 18.30 to 20.30.
Thursday 16
- Workshop Decorate your plates.
From 18.30 to 20.00 h.
Friday 17
- Furor Youth Contest.
From 18.30 to 20.30.
Monday 20
- Street Dance Workshop.
19.00 to 20.00 h.
Tuesday 21
- Cooking: Banana cake and cheese.
- Network games.
- From 18.00 to 21.00 h.
Wednesday 22
- Horror film with popcorn (projection).
From 18.30 to 20.30.
Thursday 23
- Workshop earrings and bracelets.
From 18.30 to 20.00 h.
Friday 24
- Learning to play Jagger.
From 18.30 to 20.30.
Monday 27
- Street Dance Workshop.
19.00 to 20.00 h.
Tuesday 28
- Making smoothies.
- Network games.
- From 18.00 to 21.00 h.
Thursday 30
- Making jars of sweets.
From 18.30 to 20.00 h.
Friday 31
- Final Party and Just Dance.
From 18.30 to 20.30.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura