Esther Clavero, General Secretary and Spokesman of the Socialist Molina explained that the PSOE would vote no to the motion on the remuneration that the PP will present tomorrow, June 25, at the plenary on molinense organization Consistory.
"Contreras continues to act as if still count on an absolute majority," said Clavero, adding that "it is logical that the PP release 90% of its 9 while the opposition council, with 16 councilors, only count with 3 councilors with dedicated to develop his political work for the citizens. "
The Socialist Party advocates a more just and equitable released by limiting the number of full-time councilors not to increase spending distribution.
The remuneration proposed by the PP and the Socialists are disproportionate must consider a significant reduction in some cases of up to 33% of wages and this is for the Socialists an indispensable condition.
In addition Clavero states that "each group must be consistent with its proposal and to perceive the salary proposed earmarking, the wage gap regarding the proposals of the PP, to a specific budget line for social policies".
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura