I Carrera Charitable Solidarity with Alzheimer's get going against forgetting, 10 kilometers, organized by the Association of Relatives of Alzheimer and other dementias Molina de Segura (AFAD), in collaboration with the local council and Police Sports Association Molina (ADEPOL), on Sunday June 14 held, at 09.00 hours, starting and finishing in Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura.
The race will run along the Segura River speck and Northwest Greenway, and the registration fee is 12 euros.
It has established a male / female overall category and one for veterans over 45 years.
For these categories there will be trophies and special awards to First Local Male and Female is also awarded.
You can register in http://www.asuspuestos.com/evento/i-carrera-benefica-asociacion-alzheimer-afad-molina/inscribirse and the deadline is Friday, June 12.
AFAD Molina is headquartered in Garden Center, Calle Professor Joaquin Abellan, No. 2 (telephone number 968 64 13 57).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura