Green spokesman Antonio Lopez de Molina Izquierda Unida, asked the acting mayor and chairman of the board of Sercomosa, Eduardo Contreras and political leaders of other parties, which these days are speaking about the serious problem of the company, Responsibility and discretion, as they are threatened many jobs.
"I think before going to the media with interpretations, opinions and proposed solutions for the enterprise, it should have informed the workers of the company, to have direct information of both the chairman Eduardo Contreras, as the manager of the company, Juan Romero, directly responsible, at present, the company Sercomosa and not hastily move public opinion incomplete, biased and self-serving information politically, which also is emphasized in possible PSOE-PP and nonexistent outside the agreement allowing the remaining board members, "said Antonio Lopez
Sercomosa has currently over 350 workers in its workforce, logically, and to the news lately are airing in the media, are seeing threatened their jobs, no one gives them a One explanation, of what is the real situation of the company.
Is Green spokesperson United Left coalition, the time to ask responsibilities, policies and the type appropriate, is not now.
Now is the time of the proposed solutions for business continuity, and to keep the services being provided to the municipality sercomosa and jobs.
 The City of Molina de Segura has a 51% stake in Sercomosa, besides being the only client of importance of it.
No contracts Sercomosa Hall would be worth nothing, so be shareholder and also be the only client must have a specific weight in the negotiations, which should guarantee at least tranquility among workers.
End Antonio Lopez, and invite all political groups that will form the new Molinense corporation, once saved the company, conduct an audit, both economic and company management in order to debug all responsibilities , and all such policies that may apply.
But now it's all we push in the same direction to meet what should be the sole objective of all political forces of the council, Sercomosa save the company, starting with calling a meeting of workers, in order to have information firsthand the situation.
Source: IURM