The PSOE candidate for Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero makes a very positive assessment of the first day of election campaign in the city, because "I perceive in the events and at the molinenses want a change in City Hall, want the PP mayor, Eduardo Contreras, once leave the bench after 20 years in office for the minority. "
Clavero highlights that the equipment and the socialist program of Molina is having "a great acceptance among neighbors and that is evident in all the meetings we're having people in the city, in the neighborhoods and in the districts".
In addition, the PSOE candidate says his team and she is making a strong commitment to the "door to door" and that Molina many citizens are consulting the electoral program on the website
The PSOE indicates Clavero, is also having a large presence in the streets of Molina with election posters, which by far are the largest in the city.
"The change has already begun responsible Molina and there is no going back," he added the candidate.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura