The urban entity of urbanization Altorreal, Molina de Segura, is compensating for "dubious way" business debts and delinquent homeowners so they can vote at the next meeting at which the Governing Board of the entity will be renewed, as denounced by the PSOE spokesman and candidate for mayor, Esther Clavero.
The PSOE will ask the urban entity relationship businesses and homeowners "that have been updated in the payment by the compensation formula, also of dubious legality is all immoral lights, as it will determine the vote for the new Governing Board ".
Clavero also indicates that urban entity to new plots have been built "without first going through the General Assembly and in order to be entitled to vote."
The Urban Entity Collaborator Conservation Private Altorreal Molina de Segura has called unaAsamblea General Extraordinariapara elsábado May 9, 2015, to las10.00 hours in El Colegio de Los Olivos, with the following agenda: cessation of the Governing Board , nominations and election of chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasurer, accountant and four members.
In late October 2014, municipal groups PP, PSOE, IU-Greens and UPyD approved a joint motion in Parliament to try to clarify the doubts that have arisen in recent months on the accounting management of the company, following complaints from neighbors.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura