The PSOE candidate for Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero, ask the mayor, Eduardo Contreras, where the Center for Performing Arts Productions promised by the PP and was scheduled to open in 2011. "We are in 2015 and not Molina has neither a stone of this mega project and also almost 800,000 euros was spent on contract drafting, but not anywhere near glimpsed the possibility that this center a reality, "said Clavero.
This center would be built on the former site of Cartonajes La Huerta and the announcement of the project was conducted in 2008 with great fanfare the then regional president, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, and Contreras recalls the Socialist candidate.
In addition, months later the mayor presented the center at the Market Fair of Performing Arts, held in Sevilla, one of the largest facilities of European territory for research and creation, development, production and exhibition of related projects theater, dance and opera.
"Many promises, many words and a waste of 800,000 euros, and all for nothing. It's just one of the many breaches of the Popular Party in Molina," adds Clavero.
The PSOE candidate also recalls that in the said Fair, the then Minister of Culture, Pedro Alberto Cruz, expressed his satisfaction with the "overwhelming success" where they presented the Production Center for Performing Arts Molina, as "technical , programmers and most important producers in the country have quite generously praised the project. "
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura