The Department of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) of the City of Molina de Segura attended the first meeting of Working Group I to the Red INNPULSO dedicated to innovative public purchasing and financing through European projects, which had lugarel Tuesday, April 21, as part of the National Congress of Innovation and Public Services (CNIS) 2015, held in Madrid.
The objective is to present opportunities for European funding for cities, companies and universities, and also for social activities, thus promoting the development and quality of life of molinense municipality.
To this end, the Innpulso Network will serve as an information and reference to the member cities, sharing information and resources between them, allowing to present projects to the European Union with the greatest chance of success.
Also, will share the experience of cities that already have developed the Strategic Plan for Sustainable Integrated Urban eldesarrollo (DUSI) necessary to access funding URBAN Community Initiative for economic and social regeneration of cities.
Molina de Segura belongs from 2014 to Innpulso Network Ministry of Economy and Finance, composed of the cities that have earned the City of Science and Innovation.
The session molinensepretende have an active collaboration in Innpulso Red, also participating in elGrupo Strengthen tools for generating innovative SMEs.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura