Txalo Productions (Basque Country) presents the melodramatic comedy RETURNS WITH A LIFE, directed by Juan Luis Iborra and starring Beatriz Carvajal, Friday April 17, at 21.30 am in the Villa de Molina Theatre (in Chorrico Avenue, n ° 10).
The ticket price is 12 euros.
Mari Carmen's life has not been a bed of roses.
A humble family, a cruel husband and tremendous solitude were his only company until, thanks to books, learn four heroines who teach the value of freedom: Marilyn Monroe, Chavela Vargas, St. Teresa of Jesus and Cleopatra.
Through these friends that reveal their innermost secrets, Mari Carmen learns to love.
Trapped in a fifth floor without elevator music that comes from a neighboring pianist, music that becomes your soundtrack, Mari Carmen spends the day turns to life: her memories, fears, complexes;
everything comes out with humor and nostalgia the crazy conversations you have with those wise, generous, courageous women.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura