Entries in the Contest III AD FESTIVAL Artistic Actions Urban Molina de Segura 2015, organized by the International Theatre Festival of Molina de Segura, can be formalized until Friday May 15, 2015.
As stated on their bases, Competition AD FESTIVAL is aimed at all those individual artists or arts companies in the disciplines of dance, music, theater, clown, circus and any other actions of communication and entertainment, using urban spaces bounded or open as sample scenario, visualization and expression of their actions.
It will be held on days 1, 2 and 3 October 2015.
You can register by mail (Teatro Villa de Molina, AD FESTIVAL Urban Contest III Shares Chorrico Avenue, No. 10, 30,500 Molina de Segura, Murcia) or email, addressed to admin.teatro@molinadesegura.es .
The bases and the form are available from the Teatro Villa de Molina by phone (948 64 02 68), or downloaded via the web www.molinadesegura.es.
A registration form the graphic and audiovisual entertainment desired material is attached.
Proposals received will be selected to a total of 8 shows, from all part of the competition.
They will also be selected two proposals numbered alternate character.
The list of selected and alternates shall be published on the municipal website from the day May 25, and will be communicated to each of the selected companies.
The organization will pay each selected, which have acted, the amount of EUR 500 for expenses for acting, besides facilitating the hosting company for one night, where the company has its headquarters in locality It is more than 150 kilometers of Molina de Segura.
It will also provide adequate space selected his proposal and properly identified, endowed with power supply companies.
The selected groups will perform on days 1, 2 and 3 October 2015, at the times and places that previously will be communicated by the organization, and that it advertised in programming AD FESTIVAL within the official program of the 2015 Theatre Festival. The selected companies will be allowed, however, to act on the space assigned by the organization on any day (between 4 and 10 October) and time on a voluntary basis, provided it does not interfere with the official program.
The duration of the proceedings shall be less than 60 minutes.
Be granted, by the collaborating organizations, five awards:
Participation in the summer program follows the track, the City of La Roda (Albacete), in 2016.
Participation in the Iberoamerican Theater Festival of Cadiz (FIT) in 2016.
Participation in the International Street Theatre Festival (FITCarrer), Vila Real, in 2016.
Participation in Theatre Fair of Castilla La Mancha (Albacete), in 2016.
Participation in the International Street Theatre Festival CORN, Santa María del Páramo (León) in 2016.
The number of winning companies will not necessarily be equal to the number of awards may be lower if the jury finds that there is insufficient artistic quality.
Each institution granting of any prize awarded shall elect the company for Festival, Festivals and awards shows and effective upon acceptance of the technical and economic conditions of the respective organizations will be made.
However, the Jury shall, by majority vote, a show like AD FESTIVAL winner of Molina de Segura.
The jury will be known after the deliberation of himself and became public knowledge for direct communication, web publishing and other means deemed appropriate.
Prizes can be awarded if the jury decides that there is not enough artistic quality.
The jury will be composed of one representative from each of the vendors entities prizes, as well as other representative of Nacho Vilar Productions, Murcia.
The organization and the Jury are authorized to resolve any unforeseen contingency on the bases.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura