The Environmental Volunteer Program Voluntari @ s by Campotéjar, organized by the Department of Environment of the City of Molina de Segura, has provided more performances for the months of April, May and June, and are as follows:
Saturday April 11: rehabilitation of trails and conditioning recreation area.
Friday April 24: Night of bats.
Informative talk and observation.
Saturday May 9: construction of floating islands for waterfowl.
Saturday May 23: actions to improve the space for accessibility for people with disabilities.
Saturday June 6: closing days of Volunteer Program by Campotéjar.
The Department of Environment launched last February 7 the Voluntari @ s Program for Campotéjar, developed within the European LIFE + project for the Conservation of the White-headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala).
During these two months, more than 70 volunteers s participants have made different actions aimed at improving the habitat of White-headed Duck, aquatic endangered bird that lives and breeds in Las Lagunas de Campotéjar, and species living there.
Some of these activities are: rehabilitation of trails, increased nesting areas for bats and conditioning of a recreational area near the Visitor Center Las Lagunas de Campotéjar.
The Councillor for Environment, Juana Carrillo Muñoz, thanked "for volunteers s the great success of the program and its generous collaboration in the conservation of one of the most important places of the town of Molina de Segura, such as Las Lagunas de Campotéjar ".
Carrillo has also highlighted and thanked "the collaboration of Eroski shopping center in Molina de Segura in Environmental Volunteer Program, as always maintaining its commitment to the environment and the environment".
New activities will be held from 09.30 to 13.00, and are completely free;
just prior registration through the correomalvasia.molina@gmail.como on mobile 629 968 23 89 15 63 62 05. // is required to participate any prior training is required;
only be 18 years or, in the case of minors, have permission from parents / mothers or guardians or accompanied by them.
Participants may be incorporated along the entire program.
The Department of Environment has a free shuttle shift gaps for volunteers and voluntary participants.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura