The Vega del Segura Colegio de La Ribera de Molina offer dining service from next course 2015-2016
The Director General of schools in the Region of Murcia and the Councillor for Education have visited the center Monday March 30
The CEIP Vega del Segura in the hamlet of La Ribera de Molina have the next school year 2015-2016 dining service, as announced Monday March 30, Councillor for Education of the City of Molina de Segura, Reme López Paredes, and the General Director of Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Universities of the Region of Murcia, María Dolores Jiménez Valcárcel, during the visit to the center.
As stated by the Councillor, "the City of Molina de Segura, in its ongoing commitment to improving educational quality in the county, and the promotion of students and the reconciliation of family life, in collaboration with the center Education and the Ministry of Education, has decided the launch of this service. "
The Vega del Segura College was created in 1980 and opened in January 1981. The last day October 31, 2014, meeting the School Board of the center, it was unanimously agreed to request the opening of a cafeteria at school to respond to demand from families who request this service and also as an incentive to increase the enrollment of new students who, not having the service requested school place in other centers.
This provision has the character of complementary service, inserted in education.
Students are entitled to healthy eating and quality, use this time to receive comprehensive training in eating habits, social and summary of healthy life.
In the implementation of this room, counting the center and the facilities, working the city of Molina de Segura, who will take care of the necessary adaptation works, and the Ministry of Education, with the equipment of furniture, household and precise machinery.
On 24 March 2015 the Ministry of Education authorizes the operation of said room through the modality of catering prewritten other facilities such as those in the Tierno Galván and San Antonio CEIP.
The town currently has a total of 9 public schools with dining area that, from next year, will be 10:.. Nuestra Señora de los Remedios (The Torrealta), Cervantes, Tierno Galván, San Miguel, San Antonio, Maestro Francisco Martínez Bernal, El Romeral, Ntra. Ms. Fatima and Paseo Rosales.
There is also room on 7 subsidized schools and 3 private.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura