Progress Theatre Productions (Madrid) presents the work of José Zorrilla Don Juan Tenorio, directed by Blanca Portillo, Thursday March 26, at 21.00, in the Villa de Molina Theatre (in Chorrico Avenue, No. 10).
The ticket price is 18 euros.
According Blanca Portillo explains, "Tenorio is not a hero. He is someone who flees his own emptiness, sweeping away everything that gets in his way. He's not a fighter looking for a better world, a change in the system is not a seeker of beauty Tenorio is now the spitting image of contempt for others Subámosle the stage and radiografiemos their behavior, their actions, their words, to show what exists behind them.. a model of destruction, lack of empathy, of cruelty, of contempt for life and others, inability to build ... I believe deeply in the respect for others. In moral and ethical values ​​that systematically destroys Tenorio. I think it's about time that someone call Tenorio by name. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura