Your opinion does matter] |! The initiative comes from the Municipal Youth Council, in order to know what he thinks, says and proposes molinense Youth |
The Youth Council of the City of Molina de Segura conducted a study, entitled Youth Reality in Molina de Segura.
Your opinion does matter !, with which intends to conduct an analysis of the youth situation in Molina de Segura.
This initiative arose within the Municipal Youth Council where unanimous agreement from the Department of Youth this study is being performed in order to know what the youth of Molina de Segura thoughts and opinions, and their proposals are adopted.
With the information collected is intended to:
Identify needs, problems, centers of interest and opportunities for improvement.
Define the list of priorities and performance objectives with young people.
Examine and discuss strategies for action.
As explained by the Councillor for Youth, Reme López Paredes, "It's about making a participatory diagnostic analysis of reality, intervention and review of youth associations, social movements, etc. With this analysis, we seek to know the opinion, the vision and manifesting your needs according to their own experiences, while analyzing their concerns, problems, needs and all that they manifest ".
In the various working groups on specific and general areas will be discussed: Housing, Employment, Environment, Education, Health, Social Participation and Associations, Leisure and Recreation, Equality, Social (immigration, minorities, disabled), Sports, Culture, Celebrations and Tourism and Mobility.
The information collection process started with groups of students from various schools in the municipality, as well as specific groups of youth associations, social and neighborhood groups.
In addition, young molinenses can participate individually, filling in an anonymous through the municipal website questionnaire on the following link:
All information collected will be released in the Conference on Juvenile Reality of Molina de Segura, to be held on Thursday, April 16th, in the afternoon, in downtown Las Balsas, whose information can also be found on the municipal website .
For more information on this process is available on the municipal website and the Youth Council, personally or through telephone number 968 388 801 or email
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura