The Department of Equality of the City of Molina de Segura, to commemorate the United Nations Day for Women's Rights has organized a march bike, with the slogan Grab your bike and see who will on Sunday 15 March at 10.30 am, leaving from the Plaza Chica urbanization La Alcayna, aimed at all ages.
The march will start from the Plaza Chica de La Alcayna, continues for Los Olivos and Los Conejos, and ends at the exit point.
In developing the activity collaborate Cycles Molina, Club Ciclista La Alcayna-Altorreal, Social Laboratory Cycle and Sports Association of Molina de Segura.
Through this activity is to raise awareness of the need to educate in equality, educate responsibility, eliminate gender stereotypes and promote solidarity behavior.
All this, through a participatory methodology.
Sport enables working key concepts of gender equality.
As explained by the Councillor for Equality, Reme López Paredes, "the City of Molina de Segura commitment to these programs in order to achieve among all mechanisms union and equality and, above all, as a means to enhance the awareness and critical attitude in the population, the importance of personal and social relationships free of prejudices and stereotypes, based on equality, mutual respect and harmony. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura