La Commemorative Procesión del 250 ° anniversary of the inauguration of the Church of Ntra. Sra. De the Asunción, organized by the Superior Cabildo de Cofradías Pasionarias de Molina de Segura, marches past morning Saturday, February 28th, starting 18:30 hours, with the titular images of the four brotherhoods of Easter molinense.
It is the following images:
Holy Christ of Sorrows, Gil de Bernabé, picture holder Illustrious Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Sorrows, who paraded in solemn Procession of Silence on Holy Thursday.
Lying Christ, Gil de Bernabé, titular image of the Brotherhood of the Holy Burial, that procession on Good Friday.
Triumphal Entry, Mariano Spiteri, titular image of the Brotherhood of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday procession.
Risen Christ Vazquez Juncal, picture holder Illustrious Confraternity of Our Lady of the Rosary and the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who procession on Easter Sunday.
The itinerary is: start from the Plaza de la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, Consolacion Street, Immaculate Square, streets Sepulchre, Mayor, Season, Paseo Rosales and return to Church of Our Lady of the Assumption.....
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura