The Full Council of Molina de Segura has approved a motion to IU-Greens to create housing stock under a social rent to rehouse people and families evicted.
Antonio López, local spokesman for the coalition, has indicated that this initiative is a proposal for the Platform of People Affected by the Mortgage.
"It can not be that so many people on the street and losing their homes, while there are so many empty house in the town", has argued López.
The mocióntambién includes the commitment to conduct a census of empty houses owned by banks or financial institutions to be used to rehouse families without housing.
It also calls for the City Council to commit itself to promoting a municipal housing program encouraging the social rent, both financial institutions and individuals.
For López, "it is implementing compliance with Article 47 of the Constitution, which recognizes that all Spaniards are entitled to enjoy decent and adequate housing. The public authorities shall promote the necessary conditions and establish appropriate standards for realizing this right, regulating land use in accordance with the general interest to prevent speculation. "
Source: IURM