The consistory molinense part of two working groups, one on Social Innovation and another on Government
Segovia has welcomed this morning the eighth meeting of the Technical Committee of the Spanish Network of Intelligent Cities (RECI), in which representatives of the 60 municipalities that comprise it have presented the actions carried out by the five working groups in recent months in order to move towards the intelligent management of cities in a coordinated, consensual and collaborative way.
The City of Molina de Segura is part of the RECI and has joined the working groups for Social Innovation and Government.
José Vicente Valdenebro, spokesman for the Board of RECI, said that Spain is being an example and a model internationally in the field of smart cities, and that some of our cities are considered a benchmark.
On the other hand, stressed the importance of standardization, key to progress in this process: "It is necessary to define a single model of smart city, establish indicators to assess the degree of implementation and progress in which it is located," he said .
In this regard, he highlighted the work being done from AENOR through Standardization Technical Committee 178, which RECI actively involved, and the recent publication of the UNE 178301 on Open Data "the first rule about smart cities" which establishes the requirements for the reuse of data created or held by the public sector.
Progress by sector
The working groups RECI are formed by technical personnel of the different municipalities that maintain permanent contact activity and through virtual meetings via videoconference, which translates into significant savings in time and costs.
The main novelties of the actions presented in the VIII Technical Committee are:
The group of social innovation, which is integrated molinense Hall, continues to advance the development of a model Presence, Participation and Active Listening Administrations on the Internet and social networks with examples, best practices and a list of tools technological utility.
There have also been related to transparency and open data from cities like Seville and Zaragoza experiences as well as the Code of Good Governance prepared by the FEMP, who has proposed the creation of a network of cities for transparency and citizen participation.
In the field of smart destinations, driven from Palma de Mallorca, have shared experiences from different cities, progressing the development of a public-private guide for promoting tourist destination intelligent collaboration and guidance of new models business-based technologies for before, during and after travel services.
In the group of energy have been shared and analyzed various documents and experiences of interest, and the contract for the improvement of public lighting of Vitoria, the sheets to hire a company for energy services Alcobendas, some outstanding information sessions World Sustainable Building Conference held in October in Barcelona, ​​and are seeking synergies between cities to submit joint proposals to the new Horizon 2020 program of the EU.
In the group of Environment, infrastructure and livability have shared experiences as the ordinance of uses and water savings of Sabadell, the CAT-MED project on sustainable urban models Valencia and alert system level pollen Pamplona, ​​with in order to solve problems or needs through and tested solutions.
This working group has four subgroups: Green areas and water cycle, which is working on a model ordinance on irrigation management and water saving;
Urban indicators;
Measuring environmental parameters;
and Smart Grids;
and recently it has been proposed to create a fifth subgroup to work on the application of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) to the measurement of urban levels of air, noise and light pollution.
The group of urban mobility has highlighted the active role in the VI Congress RECI Alternative Vehicle and Fuel, recently held in Valladolid, with demonstrations in cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Malaga and Murcia.
With regard to electric vehicles have been treated the effects of the new regulatory standard facilities for infrastructure for recharging electric vehicles, which will take effect on July 1 and has proposed moving the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism the need to change the figure of "transmission system loads" which under current regulations is the only authorized supplier of energy for recharging these vehicles.
It is considered that this figure only in the EU, is hampering the implementation of projects of electric mobility in cities.
On the other hand, consider producing a document on bicycles in the cities of RECI.
Finally, within the group of government, economics and business, with presence also of the City of Molina de Segura, has unveiled the 'Participate' program of the European Foundation for Information Society on citizen participation in public processes, offering as an example the action undertaken by the city of Rivas Vaciamadrid.
There have also been good practice in several cities, such as Avila tool interoperability, open data federation Malaga, biometric or electronic signature of Alcobendas comprehensive eGovernment platform of Valencia.
It has also shared documents relating to procurement and analysis applicable to the re-use of public sector information regulations.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura