IU-Greens in the city of Molina de Segura has secured the support of all local groups to a motion that requested ask the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales that fallen in this county in 1858 meteorite exhibit at the Museum of the Wall .
"In a few months will see the opening of the museum, and we believe it is time to re-assert that such a precious and unique piece in Spain by size falling, 144 kilos, re-Molina to enjoy citizenship and people visiting the city, "stated the local spokesman for IU-Green, Antonio López.
In his view, "the significant investment required to put this piece in value, and the only way is to give the museum their own and other distinguishing elements that arouse the interest of citizens, besides becoming a reference for historians and visitors generally being a key element in the tourist circuit Molina ".
Source: IURM