The Tourist Office of Molina de Segura has lent a total of 3,855 information services and has served a total of 3,845 face tourists during 2014, the first year of operation of this municipal service, according to data obtained from the Regional Network of Tourist Offices Region of Murcia.
The Office is located in the Municipal Center Los Shutters on the Pensioner Street No 3 of Molina de Segura, and was inaugurated on January 20, 2014. Previously, molinense Council signed the Protocol of Accession to the Network Information Offices Tourism in the Region of Murcia.
This protocol defines different requirements, both material and human and bureaucratic, necessary and required all Tourist Information Offices are part of the Network.
Another point of interest is the origin of users of the Office of Tourism: 161 national, regional and 68 3,626 foreigners.
Regarding the information requested by visitors / tourists, it is observed that the defendants services higher percentage are those relating to information on cultural and heritage resources of the city (75.2%), followed by plane (11.4% ), information on local festivals and events (6.3%) and information about tours and excursions in the city (2%).
Finally, the data about the reason for the visit to the municipality, the highest scoring parameters that appear as main reasons that led to tourists / visitors to pay a visit to Molina de Segura are: culture (58.7% ), shopping / business / studies (17.7%), parties and other events (7.9%) and visiting friends and relatives (6.2%).
The Tourist Office provides a comprehensive advisory service and Tourist Information for both domestic and foreign visitors and citizens of Molina de Segura and private companies or organizations that need professional tourist information molinense municipality.
To log all activity for subsequent statistical office and to share information with other offices of the network, the PACE program, a software platform that enables the interconnection between all offices and facilitates the publication of all used this information in the institutional portal.
To ensure maximum customer satisfaction, a standard implanted Quality, ISO 9001, which requires compliance with a series of actions to be followed strictly and take into account each quarter.
The Institute of Tourism makes an annual program of retraining and new personnel and familiarization visits to other municipalities in the region.
The staff at the Tourist Office of Molina de Segura has attended all along the 2014 training activities scheduled by the Tourism Institute of Murcia.
Each year a face or remotely internal audit is performed by the Quality Tourism Institute of Murcia.
All actions governed by the ISO 9001 must be performed rigorously for a favorable outcome.
The molinense office had its first internal audit on December 4, 2014, with a very favorable outcome.
Every three years external audits are performed by a quality company.
A selection from all offices of the Network is made. The Tourist Office of Molina de Segura spend your first external audit in February 2015. Passing this audit will successfully certified as a full member of the Regional Network of Tourism Offices Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura