The Minister of the Presidency and Employment of the Region of Murcia, José Gabriel Ruiz González, handed the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras Linares, the first distinctive accrediting membership of a municipality to municipality Transparent regional project, with which the regional government wants to extend its policy of transparency to local governments.
The ceremony took place on Wednesday 21 January, in the city of Molina de Segura.
"The project aims to promote among the municipalities in the region joining the Integral Transparency Initiative regional government, encourage citizen participation among local entities, and fulfill the principle of collaboration between government, as one of the pillars of NPM "said the director.
The regional award recognizes the City of Molina de Segura developing transparency initiatives in recent years because, in the words of José Gabriel Ruiz, "has established a series of measures and actions in citizen participation that place him as one of the municipalities in the Region pioneers in the implementation of public policies on the ground. "
According to a study by the Carlos III University of Madrid, the molinense Hall is among the 25 most transparent municipalities of Spain.
"It's one of the best examples for the rest of administrations," said the counselor, and cited some of his actions in this matter, as the Statute of Citizen Participation (EPC) and its further development in the form of regulation, as "Key tools" to lay the foundations of this momentum and contribute to the necessary dynamism and involvement of the population molinense performing the actions taken.
The Minister explained that this project is part of the Comprehensive Transparency Initiative, "which has been a turning point in regional policy that not only benefits citizens, but involves a shift in the operation of the Directors, to change the culture in transparency, in which we want to involve local corporations. "
"Transparency is the first step for the involvement of citizens in public affairs. There has to be accountability, clear and understandable information in order to encourage citizens to participate in governance", said José Gabriel Ruiz.
Transparency commitments
By joining the project Transparent municipality, the City of Molina de Segura is committed to progress in the areas of transparency, citizen participation and good governance, among them:
1. The commitments on transparency that local authorities assume the focus on active advertising in various aspects such as information on elected officials, organization and assets of the Corporation, Municipal regulations on accounting and budgetary matters, and agreements and troops from City staff.
2. Measures of citizen participation, such as promoting participatory processes before the development of measures affecting neighbors.
3. Measures of good governance, including the development of a specific code thereon, or the creation of a Conflict of Interest Unit, responsible for ensuring the enforcement of incompatibilities of elected officials of the city council, as well as the evolution of his assets.
For its part, the Community will also perform a work support and advice in the field through technical specialists from the Directorate General of Citizen Participation, European Union External Action for the development of the necessary municipal regulations for compliance of the commitments contained in this Initiative.
In addition, a space is provided in the Platform for Citizen Participation Community, with links to their web spaces of municipal transparency.
The regional distinctiveness is valid for one year and after that time the town will have to prove compliance with the commitments.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura