The Socialist deputy Esther Clavero claims that the Minister of Industry and Enterprise, Juan Carlos Ruiz, lying when he says that the Seneca Foundation has more resources, because "the fact is that this legislature has suffered a brutal cut".
According Clavero, who is also the PSOE candidate for Mayor of Molina de Segura, the Seneca Foundation has seen this term diminished contribution to their operating costs by over 25%, from 670,000 euros in 2011 to 490,000 by 2015. "And the contribution to the Foundation for Annual Action Plan has been cut by 48% from the 7,750,749 euros budgeted in 2011 to 4 million by 2015," adds the regional deputy.
According to Clavero, "is shameful that the counselor discuss budgetary improvement when the numbers are what they are."
The deputy invites all citizens to access the web from CARM and consult the data of budgets.
"In a key to economic recovery, to reactivate the economy and to help SMEs Ministry, no counselor accompanies complacency. These budgets do not increase, but even help correct the brutal cuts already suffered in previous budgets, "said Clavero.
The deputy of the PSOE says that among those affected by the cuts is not only the Seneca Foundation, since in the Innovation and Technological Development has spent in this term of 1,637,000 euros to 1,077,000 by 2015, representing an cut of more than half a million euros;
and scientific research has increased from 9.96 million to 4.735 million euros, 5.2 million euros less, with a cut in this term of more than 50%.
To which must be added, according Clavero, the virtual disappearance of Science Policy Program, which happens to be endowed with 1.5 million in 2011 to the "ridiculous figure" of 9,731 euros by 2015.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura