The municipal group of IU-Greens in Molina de Segura today criticized the rejection of the Popular Party to a motion of United Left-Greens in requesting that the efforts and timely studies to enable the construction of a youth center were initiated in Old Market St. Pancras or anywhere in Molina.
Antonio López, local spokesman of training left, explained that the reasons for its initiative is that Molina has a deficit spaces for young municipality to develop cultural and leisure activities they consider appropriate for their integral development as persons .
Lopez has held that "the PP has turned its back on the molinense youth to reject the proposed United Left-Greens, which could be a beacon of hope for our and our youth, in its goal of having a decent home and they allowed to carry out activities in the current youth space "basement" of ceramics is impossible. "
"It is at least curious that while we ask participation and involvement in social and political life, youth Molina, so abandoned by the city for many years, they even deny hope to have in the medium term, with a center Youth, meeting place and performing youth Molina ".
Source: IURM