The group of IU-Greens in the city of Molina de Segura vote against municipal budgets for 2015, to be discussed tomorrow in Parliament.
According to the spokesman of training, Antonio Lopez, "these accounts are more of the same and, as in previous years, is are conservative and lack of initiatives to help boost the economy of the town".
Lopez has to clear that budgets "will end as did the previous, with remnants or leftover cash outrageous fruit of the sacrifice of the neighbors, who do not receive this benefit sharing".
"A major effort would only result if early cancellation of bank loans," he added.
Also, Lopez has advanced to seek the return of a percentage for aid and development cooperation "that the municipality removed years ago and that would help, if administrations comply with this commitment, at alleviating human drama at the border and help the control at source of diseases like Ebola. "
Source: IURM