Along with Labour Inspectorate has made ​​an intervention on two premises, bar and cafe, Molina de Segura, after countless neighborhood complaints about noise generating them and the prostitution within
It has arrested eight people for crimes against the rights of workers and for illegal residence
Agents of the National Police have arrested four people for crimes against the rights of workers and four others for their illegal status in Spanish territory.
Late last October, the Local Immigration and Border Brigade of the National Police Station of Molina de Segura, learned that two local of the town, a bar and café, were producing a series of irregularities concerning the employment status of workers in both establishments and possible prostitution in one of them.
Situation that had spawned countless neighborhood complaints mainly because of the scandal that originated customers in the street.
Within the investigatory efforts it was found that some of the women in prostitution were of foreign origin.
For this reason and in order to enforce the legislation on the identification of victims in trafficking for sexual exploitation, the last weeks of November, launched a police intervention with Labour Inspectorate.
The inspection in the two local led to the arrest of eight people, four men, administrators and managers respectively bar and cafe, for crimes against the rights of workers and four women, waitresses who were illegally in our territory .
All of them are aged between 31 and 65 years and comprise them different nationalities: Spain, Morocco, Brazil, Cuba and Ecuador.
The operation was conducted by agents of the Local Immigration and Border Brigade of the National Police Station of Molina de Segura.
Source: Jefatura Superior de Policía de la Región de Murcia