The Department of Equality of the City of Molina de Segura, in collaboration with the Sports Council, has organized the VII Cup Métele a goal to violence, VI Basketball Championship Encesta Equality and the second free session aguagym Swimming Equality, taking place on Saturday November 22, starting at 10.00 pm in the Municipal Sports Romeral (Avenida de Valencia).
These activities are framed in the Fourth Municipal Plan for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men, on the occasion of the commemoration of November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women (#molinatoleranciacerovg).
At 1000 hours there will be the men's basketball, and 12.00 female basketball final is played, both involving CB Molina and Molina City Club Basket.
At 1100 hours the football championship starts, with the participation of the following eight juvenile football clubs: Molina College Football, College Football San Miguel, El Llano Athletic Association and Club Deportivo ISOL.
Also at 11.00 AcquaGym a free session will be held in the heated pool at this sports center, in the second edition of Swimming for Equality.
To register you just have to communicate in the Sports Council or the Department of Equality before 14.00 pm on Friday 21 November.
At 1330 hours, the trophies and certificates to the participants in the championships of basketball and football equipment will be delivered, and the delivery of diplomas Swimming Equality is at 12.00.
Attending the Mayor of the town, Eduardo Contreras Linares, Councillor for Equality, Reme Lopez Paredes, and the Councillor for Sports, Sonia Carrillo Marble.
The Councillor for Equality, Reme Lopez Paredes, expressed his "appreciation and thanks to all sports organizations and residents of Molina de Segura who work selflessly in performing these activities. Also, I would stress the importance of involving young people in any act of awareness of gender-based violence against women, which unfortunately continues to be present in our society. With their presence, among all people'll put a goal encestaremos swim for equality and against violence towards women ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura