The second concert will be provided by the Chamber Groups Conservatory, Friday November 21, at 20.00 pm in the Center Las Balsas
The Conservatory of Music Maestro Jaime Lopez, under the Department of Education of the City of Molina de Segura, plans to undertake the following musical activities around the feast of St. Cecilia 2014:
Concert by the Band of the Conservatory, which will take place on Wednesday, November 19, at 17:00 pm in Paseo Rosales.
Concert, by different groups Conservatory Chamber, on Friday November 21, at 20.00, at the Las Balsas center (Calle Cartagena, close to Plaza Griffins), in collaboration with the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Sacred Heart (AVESCO).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura