The town of Molina de Segura has earned the City of Science and Innovation, in its call for 2014, awarded by the General Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation under the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the proposal of convening jury This (
The approval of the bid submitted by the molinense Hall, in the category of municipalities with 20,001 to 100,000 inhabitants, allows the city to join the Innpulso Network, as part of a total of 56 municipalities throughout Spain.
The Spanish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation recognizes the role of municipalities as agents of innovation and Innpulso network is a strategic platform to achieve these ends.
The distinction City of Science and Innovation was created in order to recognize leading cities in creating competitive advantage through a combination of intellectual capital and knowledge of human resources with advanced local infrastructure strong scientific component, technology and innovation.
The jury, after study and assess the documentation of the applications received, granted awards to the following cities:
In the category for cities of 20,001 to 100,000 inhabitants the awardees were: Alzira, Avila, Molina de Segura, Ontinyent, Palencia, Riveira, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, and Santiago de Compostela.
In the category for cities with over 100,000 inhabitants: Alcalá de Henares, Logroño, Mataro, Oviedo, Pamplona, ​​Sabadell and San Cristobal de la Laguna.
Among other advantages, the Red Innpulso membership entails:
Authorization for use of the distinction in the communication and promotion of the city, both nationally and internationally.
Development and promotion of collaborative projects between municipalities that are integrated into the Network of Cities of Science and Innovation.
Integration Network as reference entity within the Working Group on MINECO-MINETUR scientific tourism.
Cities International Promotion of Science and Innovation in international events related to R & D and knowledge-based development.
Preferential consideration of these cities for the location of scientific and technological state share ownership or facilities and to locate network nodes MINECO Point Information R & D + i (PIDI network).
Prioritization of these cities as preferred places to organize department meetings with the regional governments and other actors in the R & D, as well as holding conferences and seminars of the Public Research.
The candidacy of Molina de Segura is based on several pillars, as the local system of innovation and business development, action and innovation projects in Molina de Segura (momentum and support for university research, Entrepreneur Municipality, Medical Research Foundation, Molina Health, Open Government, Smart City, Embark on 3, etc.), and support from other agencies and institutions to candidacy (public and private universities Murcia, Fundación Telefónica, INFO, Cajamurcia Foundation, Hospital de Molina, National Technology Center Canning and Food WEF INFORGES, CEEIM, CROEM, ASEMOL, schools, etc.).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura