Quarry Theatrical Productions presents FLOR enjoy singing show, first of three charity events organized by the Platform for Social Innovation Chair in CSR (UMU) and the City of Molina de Segura, will take place on Thursday October 30, at 21.00, at the Teatro Villa de Molina (in Chorrico Avenue, No. 10).
The donation to attend the show is $ 10 and the funds obtained will go to Caritas and Red Cross Molina de Segura, for the provision of basic social needs.
You can also make a donation to the zero line in the account number ES15 0487 0020 6220 0700 2995.
Flower of a Cuplé is a theatrical and musical approach funny and touching about dreams, hopes and memories of a very evocative and complex era.
Rescue the tiny genre and tells the story of a woman who, despite living in a rigid society, never forgot his dream.
The music and the song becomes a vehicle of memory, where viewers can travel through her memories, hand piano Alvaro Mayo and the beautiful voice of Gloria managing, the actress who gives us an intimate performance full of confessions, sometimes emotional, sometimes funny, seasoned with couplets that are on the minds of everyone, both old and young.
The Platform for Social Innovation arises from the RSC Chair of the University of Murcia to establish a regional network of volunteering and social action.
It is a meeting place for proposals from NGOs who need help, firstly, and secondly, citizens, businesses and administrations that are able and willing to help.
In 2013, The Platform organized, among other activities, I Parrandboleros Solidarity Concert at The Auditorium Victor Villegas, who was raised to € 30,000 were for projects CEPAIM, Red Cross and Caritas.
This year, The Platform organized three activities Molina de Segura, whose proceeds will go to Caritas Interparroquial of Molina de Segura and the Red Cross Local Assembly of the municipality, and shall be held at Teatro Villa de Molina (box office, ticketing and row zero):
October 30: Flower of a Cuplé (Quarry).
Donation: 10 €.
November 7: The Solidarity Concert II Parrandboleros.
Donation: 15 €.
December 12: Stop Solidarity with the singer molinense Las Minas Flamenco Paquito + Tour (international arm of the International Festival of Mines).
Donation: 15 €.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura