The council has signed a collaboration agreement with the Institute of Women for the development of this program, funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) in the field of fight against discrimination Operational Programme 2007-2013
The IRENE Information Program, Training and Prevention of Sexual Violence in Youth and Adolescents launched by the Municipality of Molina de Segura, was presented at a press conference on Thursday October 23, by the Councillor for Equality molinense consistory Reme López Paredes.
IRENE will be developed during the course 2014-2015, and is the result of two-year agreement signed in 2014 between the City of Molina de Segura and the Institute for Women's Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, and is funded by the European Social Fund in the field of fight against discrimination Operational Programme 2007-2013.
The program deals with various activities, through a proposed awareness-raising and training shall include at least the following contents:
Two actions to AMPAS, women's associations, neighborhood associations and the general public, in order to sensitize parents and society at large about the dimension with sexual assault on children and adolescents, the legal status of these offenses, resources, definition of concepts (differences between abuse, violence) way to detect and act, new ways of committing crimes across the network and psychological sequelae.
WORKSHOPS AND INFORMATION PREVENTION OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE, for about 3,700 adolescents and youth in the municipality through secondary schools (students in 3rd and 4th of ESO, Bachelor and training).
The objectives of the workshops are to teach and prevent situations of sexual violence among young people, raising the relations within the framework of respect for others and strengthen prevention behaviors possible types of offenders;
analyze and understand the myths surrounding the origin and maintenance of sexual violence;
learn how to improve communication skills that help young people to express their disagreement, desires, opinions, etc., respecting the views of others;
and increase their knowledge to new forms of sexual violence through Internet (social networks).
The workshops will be taught in secondary education institutes and training.
Previously, a survey will be passed to the entire school population in order to have knowledge about what it is they know about this type of violence, false beliefs about love, etc.
Two courses were conducted: one aimed at professionals in the schools in the municipality;
and another whose target audience are professionals who can be directly related to the victims, such as Forces Security workers / social as, medical personnel, assigned to the Social Services staff, educators / as, expert / as in gender violence , etc.
The objectives of this action are: foster appropriate attention to the victim, avoiding secondary victimization, facilitate a rapid and effective intervention by the professionals, appropriate referral to the victim, facilitate reporting, preserve evidence, etc .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura