The City of Molina de Segura has approved an emergency motion submitted by the Mayor of the town, Eduardo Contreras Linares, proposing funding from the City to the measures taken by the Government of Spain in relation to the referendum held in Catalonia Artur Mas.
The resolution was passed in the regular plenary held on Monday, September 29, with votes in favor of local groups PP, PSOE, UPyD and C's, and against IU-VRM municipal group.
The full text of the motion is as follows:
"Eduardo Contreras Linares, Mayor City Council President Molina de Segura, rises to the House of the Corporation for discussion the following
Consultation of self-determination is to convene the Government of the Generalitat is openly contrary to our Constitution, in the first article stipulates that: "National sovereignty belongs to the Spanish people, from whom emanate the powers of the State."
Therefore, you can not make unilateral decisions about what affects everyone.
The right to vote and decide is not a right that can be unilaterally attributing Community, denying it to the rest of the nation.
Therefore, and due to the signing of Artur Mas decree calling for the independence referendum to the November 9, 2014 and not the query, or by object or by the procedure, compatible with the Spanish Constitution, directly threatening the unity of Spain and against the rights of the Spanish people, the Municipal People proposes to Full Council, approval of the following RESOLUTION:
Support the remedy or remedies and legal actions that the Government of the Nation applied in order to prevent the holding of the referendum illegally convened by Artur Mas.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura