The Patron Saint of the village of La Ribera de Molina, in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, held until Monday 28 July.
The events scheduled are:
Wednesday, July 23
10.00 am totaly up.
Thursday, July 24
10.00 pm in the Social Center, painting and drawing workshops.
19.00, children's activities, with airbeds and animations.
23.00 hours, crumbs and paellas.
Friday, July 25
21.00 parades.
23.00 hours, proclamation of feasts, by Pedro Monreal Teruel, resident of the village.
Then, great festival, enlivened by Kacike group.
Saturday, July 26
14.00, great paella.
21.00, parade floats, departing from the Los Jaimes.
01.30 pm concert by the group Big Bang.
Then dj's performance.
Sunday, July 27
09.00 parades.
12.00 Mass, sung by Art Coral Harmony.
21.30, procession with the image of the pattern, the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
00.30 JAM concert group.
Monday, July 28
20.00, traditional racing belts and jackets.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura